Problems and Solutions

You hear the sound of Skype but not the sound of the youtube streams:

  • Lower the Skype volume. Click on the three dots next to your name, then on settings and on audio & video settings. Drag the bar at the speakers section from 10 back to around 1,5. 
  • Should you still hear nothing, try to increase the volume of the youtube streams. Hover with the mouse over the video. You now see a loudspeaker symbol at the bottom of the screen. Drag the bar all the way to the right in both videos.

You can hear sound but the others can’t hear you:

  • Check in Skype’s audio & video settings at ‘microphone’ which device is selected. If you select the right microphone you will see the meter react to sound.

The sound comes from you speakers, even though you plugged in headphones:

  • Mac: Click the apple in the upper left of your screen and click system preferences. Now click on sound en select in the tab ‘output’ your headphones.
  • Windows: Click in the right side of the taskbar on the loudspeaker icon. Now click on select playback device and your headphones.

The 360° stream doesn’t work:

  • Make sure to use one of the following browsers:
    • Edge
    • Safari
    • Chrome
    • Firefox



  • Use a computer, not a portable device such as a tablet or smartphone.
  • In case you’re using a laptop, connect it to the charger.
  • Switch off your phone and kids.
  • At the Game Site: pay attention to both streams being live. The dot next to the word ‘live’ needs to be red. Click it if it’s grey to take it to the livestream again. Check this every now and then during the game.
  • Put the streams in their highest quality setting if your connection allows it. Click the gear icon in the lower right corner and choose the highest value.